Academic Features

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Academic Features

1. English Medium Co-Educational School.
2. Nur. to XII Science, Commerce & Humanities.
3. Experienced and efficient teaching faculty.
4. Child centered education.
5. Ideal student- teacher ratio ( 1 : 30 ).
6. Computer education from class 1st onwards.
7. Various Co-Curriculum and Extra-Curriculum activities with hobby class.
8. Stress on all-around development of the students.
9. Games and sports.
10. Well-furnished class rooms.
11. Use of modern equipment of educational technology.
12. Focus on spoken and personality development.
13. Special classes for creative writing/art.
14. Spoken English is must inside the school premises.
15. Shooting & Archery.
16. Computer Lab.
17. Digital Education.
18. Abacus Classes.
19. Music Room.
20. Library.
21. Real time access of student.
22. Composite Science Lab.

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